A Fishy Story!

Gurkeerat Singh
2 min readOct 29, 2019


There is nothing more intriguing than a mysterious situation. And fortunately or unfortunately as you may judge, I am stuck in such a situation. You don’t know me well. Neither do I know you. But given that you were paying attention till now, proved that you care about me, and thus deserve to know what is exactly happening with me.

The thing is, I am utterly fed up with my life. I previously had the ambition and passion to swim across the oceans and enjoy my life. Contrary to that, I feel that I am just going around in circles in an infinite loop , aimlessly , with no direction whatsoever , and that scares me that I am lost and can’t find a way out of this mess .

Life did not turn out as I had expected. Currently I feel claustrophobic and these glass walls of my house make me paranoid.

My childhood was of much tranquil. It was full of amusement and adventure. The guidance of my parents and the support of my friends always put me on the right path. But now, I am all alone. I miss them.

It’s been such a long time that I have done something which makes me feel alive .I am usually going round and round , trying to get out of the maze and figure out a solution . I know exactly what will happen around me at a given time on the clock. The faint sounds around me too are the same every single day. I have no one to talk to and share my feelings with. Even if I talk then the people around me, they don’t give a damn about it.

Are you still there?

Are you still paying attention?

Do you know someone who is just like me?

Does someone, comes to your mind, on reading about my lifestyle?

Do, these things happen to you too?

I think I should reveal you my identity.

You must have seen me in your life at one point or the other.



I am just a Lost Soul, Swimming in a Fish Bowl.


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